Member:         #7153   

CHSA 2023

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
54 Children's Equitation O/F 2'6" Magnolia Run 06/18 Bennie and the Jets 1 3 10.00
56 Children's Equitation O/F 2'6" Magnolia Run 06/18 Bennie and the Jets 1 3 10.00
53 Children's Equitation Flat Magnolia Run 06/18 Bennie and the Jets 3 3 4.00
55 Children's Equitation O/F 2'6" Magnolia Run 06/18 Bennie and the Jets 3 3 4.00
Total Class Points 28.00

Standing Show Points  
Champion Magnolia Run 06/18 10.00
Total Championship Points 10.00  
Total Season Points 38.00  
No: 54
Class: Children's Equitation O/F 2'6"
Show: Magnolia Run 06/18
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 56
Class: Children's Equitation O/F 2'6"
Show: Magnolia Run 06/18
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 53
Class: Children's Equitation Flat
Show: Magnolia Run 06/18
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 4.00  
No: 55
Class: Children's Equitation O/F 2'6"
Show: Magnolia Run 06/18
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 28.00
Standing: Champion
Show: Magnolia Run 06/18
Points: 10.00
Total Championship Points: 10.00
Total Season Points 38.00
No: 36
Class: Adult/Junior Amateur Hunt Seat Equit. Fences
Show: The Pines 10/01
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 35
Class: Adult/Junior Amateur Hunt Seat Equit. Fences
Show: The Pines 10/01
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 2.00  
No: 34
Class: Adult/Junior Amateur Hunt Seat Equit. Fences
Show: The Pines 10/01
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 6
Entries: 6
Points: 0.50  
No: 67
Class: Junior Equitation 3'
Show: Magnolia Run 10/28
Horse: Bennie and the Jets
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
Total Class Points: 14.50

CHSA 2021

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
75 Pre-Children's Equitation Flat Avon 11/06 Google 1 3 10.00
74 Pre-Children's Equitation Avon 11/06 Rally Kat 1 3 10.00
73 Pre-Children's Equitation Avon 11/06 Rally Kat 1 3 10.00
72 Pre-Children's Equitation Avon 11/06 Rally Kat 1 3 10.00
67 Pre Children's Equitation U/S Shallowbrook 11/21 Google 1 4 10.00
Total Class Points 50.00

Standing Show Points  
Champion Avon 11/06 10.00
Total Championship Points 10.00  
Total Season Points 60.00  
No: 75
Class: Pre-Children's Equitation Flat
Show: Avon 11/06
Horse: Google
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 74
Class: Pre-Children's Equitation
Show: Avon 11/06
Horse: Rally Kat
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 73
Class: Pre-Children's Equitation
Show: Avon 11/06
Horse: Rally Kat
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 72
Class: Pre-Children's Equitation
Show: Avon 11/06
Horse: Rally Kat
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 67
Class: Pre Children's Equitation U/S
Show: Shallowbrook 11/21
Horse: Google
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 10.00  
Total Class Points: 50.00
Standing: Champion
Show: Avon 11/06
Points: 10.00
Total Championship Points: 10.00
Total Season Points 60.00

Provided by OrgPro
